Sunday, February 17, 2008

(journal #15:) Alfred

I am obsessed with teddybears. I have two bunk-fuls of them. They are all adorable. I have some recent additions to my collection. My most recent addition is named Alfred. He is six inches long and about three inches wide He is hand-made from dark brown velvet. His arms and legs are specially sewn on so they can move. I got him at the gift shop of The American Museum of Folk Art in New York City. He looks like an old fashioned teddybear. He also looks like an old fashioned Winnie-the-Pooh. I got very worried because little Alfred was recently lost for a few days. I found him stuffed in a plastic bag from New Haven with some books in it. I love Alfred. I hate to have favorites, but if I did have one, I think he would be it.

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